
29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

1. Jewish National House.
2. "Safah-ORT" School.
3. "Temple" Synagogue.
4. "Morgenroit" Society
and Jewish Theater.

5. "Menza" dorms and canteen
for poor Jewish students.

6. "Beit-Ares" Choral Synagogue.
7. City Hall.
8. "Central" Hotel .
9. "Beit-Tfilah Benjamin" Synagogue.
10. Music Society.
11-12. Boyaner Rebe's House and Synagogue.
13. Residence of Bukovyna Metropolitans.
14. Orphanage.
15. Synagogue of Mordko and Taubi Korn.
16. "Toynbeechalle" Society.
17. Baths and Mikvah.
18. Tailor Sickness Support Association.
19. Jewish Hospital.
20. "Khevrah Tehilim" Synagogue.
21. Grand Synagogue.
22. Old People's Home.
23. "Safah Ivriya" School.
24. "Machsikeh Shabbat"
Poverty Support Society.

25. "Beit-Israel Akselrod" Synagogue.
26. Jewish Cemetery
27. Jewish Gymnasium.
28. Synagogue of Aron and Frida Goldfrucht.
29. "Azil" Refuge for the Old.